Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.
About our School
Intent Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness |
Our intent is to harness children’s curiosity in order to develop an interest in, and passion for, the world around them. We want our children to know and care about their local area, to understand their place within the wider world and to recognise the impact that their actions have on their surroundings.
We want our geography curriculum to
Implementation Curriculum delivery Teaching (pedagogy) Assessment (formative and summative) |
We implement Geography through our curriculum, informed by the National Curriculum programmes of study.
Impact Attainment and progress (including national tests and assessments) |
The impact of our Geography approach is that children are equipped with geographical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the next key stage and for their future life as an adult in the wider world.